
September 23, 2016

Street Team in the NYC Subway

In 1978 I lead a street team of San Jose State University drama students to New York City to promote guest performances of Wonderland Won at […]
September 21, 2016

Cost of Books to the Author and the Effect on Sales Rank

Hearing conflicting opinions about how my discounted purchase of Azriel Dancer would effect my sales ranking, I put the question to CreateSpace, the Amazon subsidiary […]
September 17, 2016

The Proof is in the Paperback

The proof copy of Azriel Dancer just arrived! It’s really here.  On sale October 1 at
September 13, 2016

Pre-Launch Checklist for October 1 Azriel Dancer Blastoff

Check     Approve final interior and cover from Streetlight Graphics Check     Receive the “Deliverables” from Streetlight (ready-to-upload files) Check     Upload Print interior and cover to CreateSpace (Amazon […]
September 13, 2016

Doing Business as Shiva Puri Press

For reasons too complex and nuanced to get into here, I have been advised to publish Azriel Dancer under a “fictitious” business name.  I’ll be “doing […]
September 12, 2016

Genres, sub-Genres, and Keywords

You are back at the Point of the Pencil to learn about keyword decisions that affect the life and success of your self-published book.  How I […]
September 10, 2016

Point of the Pencil

What a great time to be a newbie self-published novelist!  Just a few years ago, a hopeful author would chase down agents, beg them to read […]
September 8, 2016

Azriel Dancer Back Cover (first draft)

Azriel Dancer “Azriel Dancer is the kind of sci-fi read that rarely crosses a reviewer’s desk . . . moves quickly without the artificial pace that […]
September 7, 2016

Welcome Azriel’s Angels!

Deep bows of  gratitude to those of you who strapped on your wings and polished your halos in service to the Bodacious Book Launch of Azriel […]

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